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Healing Luke Beth Cornelison 0760789226007 Books

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Healing Luke Beth Cornelison 0760789226007 Books

Just when I finish a novel and think it’s my latest favorite, I begin another novel -- Healing Luke -- and finding that it’s easily my new favorite and one of the best I’ve read. Huge props to Beth Cornelison for a beautiful novel with fantastic characters, a believable storyline, tenderness, and all that good stuff that makes a romance novel so wonderful. I finished this book in just three days, stealing whatever free time I had to read more and more of the riveting story.

The characters were fantastic. I loved to read the dynamic between Aaron and Luke, and of course, their father. It was a beautiful woven tale, and when you add the spitfire Abby in, it’s golden. What I particularly enjoyed was the fact that the author didn’t rush their relationship. It was a very delicate and slow-paced journey with a lot of snags. It didn’t feel like a “fiction” novel -- I felt like I could believe that this would happen in reality. And I’m a sucker for a wounded man and a woman softening his heart.

I absolutely loved this book and I can’t wait to check out Cornelison’s other books so I can delve into more of her works. I would highly recommend to anyone!!

Read Healing Luke Beth Cornelison 0760789226007 Books

Tags : Healing Luke [Beth Cornelison] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Covered with burn scars, having lost an eye and a thumb in a nearly fatal accident, Luke Morgan's days as a ladies' man are over. But his bitterness,Beth Cornelison,Healing Luke,Sourcebooks Casablanca,1402224346,Love stories.,Physical therapists;Fiction.,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,Adult & contemporary romance,FICTION General,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,Love stories,MASS MARKET,Physical therapists,Romance & Sagas,Romance - Contemporary,RomanceModern,Romance: Modern,United States

Healing Luke Beth Cornelison 0760789226007 Books Reviews

As a story of healing after tragedy, this book was so good. As Luke learned to adapt to his new limitations, he also grew closer to his brother and father.
As a romance, the book lacked. We do get a "happily ever after", but I really didn't love the heroine after all she put the hero through before finally giving him a bit of her heart. Still, a very good read and I am looking forward to reading the next book.

Luke's mother walked out on Luke, his big brother, and his father when Luke was only 8. When leaving she told Luke that there was nothing worth staying for. 20 years later, Luke still has trouble finding himself worthy of any woman's love. His good looks have always provided him with women willing to have one-night-stands, but Luke longs for something deep and meaningful. Now he has lost an eye and a thumb in an accident. He believes he will spend the rest of his life alone. His brother, Aaron, struggles with guilt over the accident that maimed Luke. His father walks on egg shells in an effort to spare Luke any further sorrow. When all seems hopeless, a miracle arrives in the petite form of a female physical therapist who won't allow Luke to give up on himself.

Over the weeks that follow, Luke struggles with the growing feelings he has for Abby. He believes she will never return his affection. Abby is too hurt from a past relationship to even consider making herself vulnerable to another man. The time they spend together provides healing to Luke's body and soul, but Abby believes that if she gives herself to Luke he will use her and break her heart. When she reaches a point where she can no longer deny him, Abby will leave for good. Better to get out before she loses her heart completely. Abby's rejection seems to prove Luke's worst fears... no woman would ever want a "freak" like him.

Luke is facing a bridge in his life. He can take a risk by crossing it in hopes of winning Abby, or he can spend the rest of his life with regrets. With his father and brother encouraging him, Luke decides to take the steps will lead to either happiness or heart-break. Will Abby meet him half-way across the bridge, or will she leave him stranded? Luke believes Abby is worth the risk.

Luke was a great character. We meet him when he is whole, experience the accident with him, then struggle through recovery with him. You can't help but hope for him. Unfortunately, Abby seemed to torment him more than boost him. She allowed him to kiss her, then turned away from him. She looks in his eyes with desire, then denies him when he acts on it. She lies around in a "tiny bikini" and rubs oil on her body while he watches, then gets mad and storms away when he goes to rub some on her back. She sleeps with him, then gets on a plane and leaves the state. Her reason is that he hasn't said "I love you", but she hasn't said anything close to that herself. She accuses him of being a player, but I have to say I got that impression much more from her than him. In the end, when he laid his heart and soul on a platter before her, she still cruelly walks away. She crushed him until he literally begged her to stay with him. She put him through so much pain that was totally unnecessary all because she wanted to hear, but would not say herself, "The Three Words". It killed the final joy for me.

Despite my disappointment in the heroine, the three men were terrific personalities. Luke, Aaron, and their father Bart were very well fleshed out. We get a hint about Aaron's story coming next. I will read it with hope that the heroine will not have a selfish personality like Abby.

If you love romance novels about triumph over tragedy, here are a few I recommend

The Devil's Possession (Berkley Sensation)(Medieval Paranormal Romance)

Cry No More(Contemporary Romantic Suspense)

Under a Prairie Moon (Leisure historical romance)(Native American/Contemporary Paranormal)

Ride The Fire (Leisure Historical Romance)(Historical Romance)
“But one woman had irrevocably altered his destiny and now held his future happiness in her skilled hands.”(p. 208)

Luke Morgan and his brother Aaron are ladies men with golden good looks and a thriving snorkeling business. Then one day Luke’s world is turned upside down when the boat he is working on explodes, leaving him without a right thumb and missing an eye. Who could ever love him now? Who could ever desire him?

Perhaps the green eyed petite beauty, Abby Stanford, an occupational therapist, will. But it will take believing in himself and trusting her before either of their hearts crack under the pressure.

My reaction

Healing Luke was a book I had to stay glued to. It pained me to Luke in pain. He’s intelligent, strong, and very handsome, but his one flaw is that he can be quite the typical male sometimes and not see what is directly in front of him. Abby is strong, independent, and sultry when she wants to be her. Her flaw is that she allows what happened with her ex, to dictate her future. All of this is understandable of course. They all have been hurt in some way and trusting someone again can be difficult.

But with each word, each touch- and kiss, Abby wears down Luke's defenses...

I grew frustrated when everyone was finally communicating their hurts but not communicating at all. Plenty was discussed but left out. For example, anytime Luke made a move on Abby, she would reciprocate but then push back, leaving Luke feeling as if he really was a monster now. The entire book is like this. But for once, it made the story work, creating lots of tension and fascinating moments.

I definitely see myself reading more of Beth Cornelisons’ work.

*Note Does Aaron have his own story somewhere? I get the feeling there should be another book out for him…?
I truly enjoyed this story. It was so moving and it made you feel you truly knew everyone-they felt so real! Beth Cornelison is a gifted writer!
I loved this story. I felt connected to the characters, and enjoyed reading about their struggle to overcome such a devastating accident. I cheered as they fell in love.
Lovely read.
This was a good story that I enjoyed for the most part. I thought the hero's injuries weren't all that life changing. I've read stories where the hero or heroine has to overcome much more harrowing injuries.
This book was okay. Luke's attitude got a little old, however. I thought the author could have developed the relationship a little more quickly by having the hero soften a bit at a time. The premise was good, however, and I did like the characters for the most part. Luke's brother was a little too shallow.
Just when I finish a novel and think it’s my latest favorite, I begin another novel -- Healing Luke -- and finding that it’s easily my new favorite and one of the best I’ve read. Huge props to Beth Cornelison for a beautiful novel with fantastic characters, a believable storyline, tenderness, and all that good stuff that makes a romance novel so wonderful. I finished this book in just three days, stealing whatever free time I had to read more and more of the riveting story.

The characters were fantastic. I loved to read the dynamic between Aaron and Luke, and of course, their father. It was a beautiful woven tale, and when you add the spitfire Abby in, it’s golden. What I particularly enjoyed was the fact that the author didn’t rush their relationship. It was a very delicate and slow-paced journey with a lot of snags. It didn’t feel like a “fiction” novel -- I felt like I could believe that this would happen in reality. And I’m a sucker for a wounded man and a woman softening his heart.

I absolutely loved this book and I can’t wait to check out Cornelison’s other books so I can delve into more of her works. I would highly recommend to anyone!!
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